Many people think of change, as something that is similar to turning the page of a book.
If we look at it realistically it is more like a blind person cooking in a new kitchen, it is relearning what you previously knew.
If we think of a habit, and the mechanism behind developing a habit we end up with behaviour. A habit develops from actions that are repeated over and over until it becomes unconscious or second nature.
Let’s take the simple example of the habit of walking, initially we begin, left foot right foot, straight back, good posture. Over the years, we are not consciously thinking of the process of walking, so we are tired, we may drag our feet, thus developing a habit of walking left foot drag, right foot drag, and straight back. Then we carry a heavy bag and we slouch, so now our walking habit is, left foot drag, right foot drags and curved spine, which additionally requires adjustment of our spine muscles, to compensate and support our back. So, a habit develops and grows more refined the more we have the habit and the more unconsciously we are proceeding and adapting.
This means that change is the process of reversing all the years of a developed habit and replacing it with a new preferred behaviour, consciously making changes from the old habit into a new, preferred one.
However, along the way, there could be discomforts, such as in my example of walking, the muscles have compensated for the curved spine and to walk straight and build new muscles is painful and means conscious resistance. If this discomfort is not addressed, there is a possibility of a relapse into the old behaviour because it is easier and a comfort.
Summed up together, making a change means, making a decision, motivation and a mindset towards a new improved version. The requirement of facing hurdles and proceeding forward, until the change and new behaviour is second nature.
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