The Stress Response, according to Seyle (1956) is our signal that an event has occurred that was not expected or did not play out as expected (or planned).
Our brain is quite simple really, it is like a big store of data, and each moment it is searching, like doing a google search to find information to match the current situation. But the data it draws upon is only reliant on the data that has been captured. That is, your experience and your interpretation of that experience, interpretation being the important word. Two people can watch exactly the same event, and recall it as if it were two entirely different events – because they interpret differently.
If there is an ability to cope with the stressor, perhaps, absorb what is happening, understanding, realisation, or have an alternative plan of action - a problem, solution or direction to remove the stress can continue. This meaning the stressor response is removed.
If there is inability to cope with the stressor perhaps one of the following will happen.
♢ Défense (flight response) – fidgeting, shaking or moving legs, looking at the door or a way out, palpitations
♢ Angry (fight response) – anxious, overwhelming, present them self as big, superiority, voice louder and deeper
♢ Quiet (freeze response) – shrink in size, avoid eye contact – as if they are no longer there, voice softens or shakes or slows
Don’t mislay this information to be only a serious or traumatic stress, think of stress when you are late for a meeting, the traffic lights are out and traffic is slow, someone cuts in front of you, the only available parking is far from the meeting, having walked half way you realise you forgot something important in the car, and have to go back.
How would you react to situations like the above mentioned?
Caremens, G. (2018). Brain Academy – Sharpen Your Mind. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov. 2018].
Scrimali, T. (2012). Neuroscience-based Cognitive Therapy: New Methods for Assessment, Treatment, and Self-regulation. John Wiley & Sons.
Selye, H. (1956). The stress of life.