New Year’s Resolutions and Goals
Do you make new year’s resolutions?
How many of them are successful?
As this is the first Monday of the new year, I would like to share with you, what makes a resolution or goal successful.
It is one thing to decide to do something, it is entirely another thing to keep it going.
When we set a goal to perhaps change a habit, learning something new, or growing or starting up business - we have to change how we think about it and make
it a new natural automatic habit for ourself.
Always remember, you need to work over 100 plus hours on something to make it work. If you think of learning to knit, play a musical instrument or a new
technique, in the beginning you are very conscious of what you are doing, being careful to do it right – whilst making a few errors.
In this initial stage, you are restructuring your brain to be able to do the new task properly. You won't just pick up something and know it,
it will take practice to get it right - until eventually you are playing the guitar without looking at your fingers – and singing at the
top of your lungs in enjoyment. This means you have added the necessary information into your brain, and that you no longer have to
consciously think about it.
Here are a few points to help you on your journey for learning the goal you would like to achieve.
1. The first thing to remember is that you have to keep doing it, until it works.
Giving up will not put you closer to your goal.
Errors or mistakes are there to help you learn and grow.
2. Plan what you would like to do and how you are going to achieve it, thinking realistically about what is achievable.
What you put in, is what you will get out.
3. Plan possible hurdles and triggers you may have along the way that will hold you back.
Understand them so you can grow and move away from them.
Write down 3 positives and 3 negatives of each, so you can see the bigger picture in your mind – and help change it.
4. Write everything down, in a notepad and a calendar so you have a visual plan to follow.
As you complete a task, mark it as complete, so you can visually see your progress and encourage yourself to complete more tasks.
If you find it difficult to stick to the big tasks, continue doing the smaller and easier ones, so you can always see your progress.
Visible progress is a great motivation to carry on.
5. If you are struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help or support. We are all human after all.
6. Create positive mantras to surround you, so when you feel heavy you can gain inspiration again.
7. Always be proud of yourself, praise yourself for the hard work you are putting in.
Always remember Rome wasn't built in a day, a week or a month for that matter.
"A goal should scare you a little, and excite YOU ALOT!"
Joe Vitale